Most KiVis Published by User

Scott Doggett 29KiVis
Susan Englen 5KiVis
Andrea Bloom 2KiVis
Scotty Doggett 2KiVis
Landon Bruno 2KiVis
Susan Spano 1KiVi
Murvet Doganlar 1KiVi
Saurabh Kumar 1KiVi
Michael Edward Lenert 1KiVi
Vasudha Bisani 1KiVi

Most Comments by a User

Scott Doggett 25Comments
Susan Englen 9Comments
Stephen Myers 6Comments
Michael Edward Lenert 4Comments
Andrea Bloom 2Comments
Ken Matusow 2Comments
Victoria D 2Comments
Jory Schulman 1Comment
Mathilde Grand 1Comment
Donnie Matthews 1Comment

Most Likes by a User

Scott Doggett 35Likes
Stephen Myers 33Likes
Susan Englen 22Likes
Victoria D 13Likes
Andrea Bloom 6Likes
Gideon For-mukwai 5Likes
Ken Matusow 5Likes
Michael Edward Lenert 4Likes
Vidhi Bisani 2Likes

Most Comments by KiVi

Counting on Campers to Save Trad Jazz 5Comments
Serving Dignity With Christmas Dinner 5Comments
On Hard Times, But Too Proud to Beg 4Comments
Honoring the Wishes of a Falcon Queen 3Comments
No Scaredy-Cats in Peruvian Park 3Comments
Sponsoring a Deaf Child in Philippines 2Comments
Keeping Louis Armstrong's Music Alive 2Comments
Assimilation Starts on Aisle 7 2Comments
Battling Diabetes With Healthy Bites 2Comments
Stuff of Dreams for These Orphans 2Comments

Most Liked KiVis

Assimilation Starts on Aisle 7 7Likes
Stuff of Dreams for These Orphans 6Likes
On Hard Times, But Too Proud to Beg 5Likes
No Scaredy-Cats in Peruvian Park 5Likes
No ‘Gay Paree’ for LGBT Youths 5Likes
Serving Dignity With Christmas Dinner 4Likes
HIV Can't Dim His Sunny Disposition 4Likes
A Reprieve for Muir Woods 4Likes
Battling Diabetes With Healthy Bites 4Likes
Honoring the Wishes of a Falcon Queen 4Likes

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Being Dog’s Best Friend in Argentina 17239Views
Scrapping Tea Time to Help a Gringo 12709Views
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On Hard Times, But Too Proud to Beg 11424Views
Sanctuary After Decades as Sex Slaves 7981Views
Assimilation Starts on Aisle 7 7445Views
No Scaredy-Cats in Peruvian Park 6378Views
A Safe Haven for Abused Girls 6362Views
Sponsoring a Deaf Child in Philippines 6076Views